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AI Wave Will Change The World Forever

Generative AI is the innovative form of artificial intelligence that analyzes and uses existing data and creates new and unique content. And soon, generative AI will be as integral to our daily lives as a smartphone. Where are we right now in the AI wave sweeping over us – and what can we expect? Morten Springborg, theme specialist at C WorldWide, provides some insights here.

Generative AI: The Artificial Future on Steroids

Computing's evolution, epitomized by Qualcomm/ARM, Samsung/Apple, and Google/Facebook/Uber in the mobile era, shifts from semiconductors to infrastructure to software/services, a pattern expected to repeat in the emerging GenAI era.

Gjennomsnittlig tenkning skaper ikke vinnere

Med høy stabilitet, betydelig erfaring kombinert med kontinuitet i filosofi og prosess har vi i snart 40 år vist at langsiktig overlegen avkastning er oppnåelig. Våre kunder er trygge på at vi vil fortsette å levere meravkastning og velger å investere hos oss tross hard konkurranse med kapitalforvaltere fra hele verden. Vi ser frem til de neste tiårene, konkurrere i kapitalforvaltningens Champions League og ivareta den viktige rollen som aktiv kapitalforvalter.

The Road to Decarbonisation - A Comprehensive Analysis of Sustainable Energy Solutions

Energy transition solutions need to be aligned with the energy trilemma of sustainability, security, and affordability. We see 5 broad building blocks for reaching net-zero longer term.

The Energy Transition Has Failed

The unilateral focus on solar and wind as substitutes for fossil fuels is insufficient to decarbonize the world. We also need to invest in other energy sources, including nuclear power. That's the view of C WorldWide's Thematic Specialist Morten Springborg.